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Brando Ratner

BCI-Therapy Expert, BCI-Guru
Allow us to introduce Brando Ratner, our expert facilitator and a remarkable individual on a profound wellness journey. Brando's path began as a former hairstylist, where he took pride in assisting elderly customers with shampoos when they could no longer manage it themselves. However, his motivation to become a BCI facilitator stemmed from deeply personal experiences within his family. Brando witnessed close family members struggle as they lost their ability to function normally due to neuropathy. The loss of dexterity in their hands and the numbing of their feet were debilitating, and frustration grew with the limited results of traditional medical approaches applied by doctors. Driven by a strong desire to make a difference and seeking a transformative therapy system that didn't rely on medication, Brando embarked on a journey of healing. Out of this determination, the BCIBAR therapy systems were born. Modeled after BCI therapy systems scientifically proven to awaken dormant muscles through pure thought, these innovative systems became a beacon of hope. With over 10,000 hours of training in BCIs and double that in personal meditation, Brando has become a true master of his craft—a one-of-a-kind healer. His remarkable journey from witnessing constant pain and suffering to achieving healing and empowerment has not only transformed his own life but also inspired the development of the BCIBAR therapy systems. These systems offer hope and transformative potential to countless individuals seeking lasting relief and renewed vitality.
Top Reasons for Hiring Brando
  • Empathetic Guidance Toward Vitality.
  • Quality Beauty Treatments
  • Personal Attention
  • Professional Care
  • Special Treatment to Relax Mind

Personal Experience

Brando's unique blend of expertise in BCIs and his personal journey of healing make him the ideal healer for the job.

Satisfied Customers


BCI-Hand Therapy Customers


BCI-Foot Therapy Customers



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